

Keystone Equine is my modest effort to produce a variety of well trained horses and ponies.  All the while I’m riding, I’m learning and in turn, teaching others about this thing I love.


Over forty-five years in the saddle have taught me that horses are indelibly a part of who I am.  Even when real life has taken centre stage, they’ve stayed constant.  Since childhood, when pulling my boots off at the end of each day, I’ve sat down to write – sometimes in celebration and many times, in tears.


First, though, a word of warning.


This is no manual on horsemanship or good gardening, philosophy or the state of the world!  A journal of sorts, what you find here will speak of my ordinary days schooling, all the little victories and defeats. You’ll get to meet the band of characters who colour my days.  I’ll share what I’m struggling with and what I know for sure.


For so many of us, learning to live well – through sickness and aging and real life – has become a big part of our horsemanship journeys.  Hi, I’m Lee.  Thanks for riding along!


By the way, I may as well admit it. I’m trying to build my email list to offer books and get help with reading chapters and reviews in the future. You are my tribe! Rather than fill your face with pop-ups on the blog page, please, I’d be so grateful if you’d trust me with your email and subscribe with the red button. Thank you!