A Mantra for Riding in the Here and Now

A Mantra for riding in the here and now... keystoneequine.net


I’m going to share this with you. It is my personal mantra, one that I tell myself when there is so much jangling noise going on inside my head that I am no longer present. Not for my horses, or for my self, or for our mutual safety.


It is simple, it is my truth and it works. I’m sharing it with you, for those days you might feel the same.

Me: feeling a little jagged, a little niggle of foreboding, a little too much fault-finding and discontent. I stop. With my hands on my midriff, I close my eyes and breath deeply. I say thank you, Self!

Thank you for all the times you keep me safe, make good decisions, forgive my mistakes. Yes, even the boots and chaps that no longer fit… the times I go off course… the horses I wrong or give up on… all the people I hurt and disappoint.

Thank you, Self, for forgiving all the shady little deals I make with you, telling you that I’m not enough, or that I’m a sham, or that I don’t belong… but that if I just do this or get that, I will act worthy and start flying right!

Thank you, Self, for looking out for me even when I don’t apologize to you. Thank you for saying, “Enough!” whenever I replay the mean things, those “truths” that I tell myself so often, I forget that they’re actually lies….

Thank you, Self, for reminding me that I deserve my own loyalty. That I may listen to the gut feelings of what isn’t sitting right, to follow my personal compass, to recognize safe haven among friends, to quietly shed people and situations who don’t wish me beauty and light.

Thank you, Self, for nodding to fear and panic…. Reminding me to breathe and ask: am I getting close to breaking through to a greater truth or am I ignoring all the signs of being unsafe?

Thank you, Self, for making sure that despite everything I have said and done, deep down, I am enough. Today, I promise that I have your back. I trust and know that you have mine!

Then stilled, comforted, listened to… I open my eyes, exhale and ride.

9 thoughts on “A Mantra for Riding in the Here and Now”

    1. Just a tiny little loving reminder that all of us have moments of self-doubt. We need only to pay attention to our little voices and then, they can be stilled, knowing that they have been heard.

  1. Thank you Lee for your mantra. I often need to remember not to dwell on the negative comment among the many positive ones. I often inwardly whine about the belly fat instead of thanking my healthy body that is strong and ready to take on adventures. Thank you for reminding me to say thank you.

    1. Anne, I have so much love and appreciation for your response to this! I was going to say, “Don’t beat yourself up as you’re an inspiration to many…” but being a mentor, in itself, can be a heavy burden. I know you’ll understand this when I say, after looking at all the beautiful photos of our racing adventures, I’ve been seeing only my spare tire and worse, the race where I almost fell off! You, right now, are reminding me that I need to stop that. We raced sidesaddle at the CALGARY STAMPEDE, for goodness’ sake! We have so many adventures and good health to be thankful for! Keep on keepin’ on, Anne… and thank you.

  2. So true! So much self doubt or self loathing in the world. Especially among women. It’s sad and if only we could see that it all adds up to who you are right now at this very moment. I really enjoy reading your stuff girl.💚🐎

    1. Shelley, we can be so hard on ourselves. If we believe that the energy we put out there comes to pass, it should be incentive to know that we are enough, just as we are. Thank you so much for replying and encouraging me to keep writing!

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